
Department of Civil Engineering

Kate Hyun, Principal Investigators (

Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering

Dr. Hyun is currently conducting research on the topics of equity in transportation and community resiliency using neighborhood data and large-sized vehicle trajectories and pedestrian and bikers travel behavior. The USDOT, TxDOT, North Central Texas Council of Governments, and the City of Arlington support her current research projects. She has closely worked with California DOT and Environmental Protection Agencies over six years (2011-2016), conducted multiple research on traffic safety and operation by utilizing existing traffic detection systems. She has unique expertise on sensor data analysis using machine-learning techniques and big data analysis including GIS and Database. Much of her previous research focuses on applied research topics and is published in Transportation Research Board (TRB) publications and peer-reviewed journal papers.

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Stephen P Mattingly, Co-principal Investigators (

Professor, Civil Engineering

Decision and Risk Analysis (AHP, Multiattribute, Multiobjective techniques), Transportation and Public Health, Transportation Equity, Institutional Studies and Analysis, Transportation Planning, Operations Research/Logistics, Network Optimization (Linear and nonlinear), Intelligent Transportation Systems, Traffic Engineering, Aviation (Safety and Operations), Public Transit, Bicycle and Pedestrian Behavior and Safety and Transportation Safety.

Jobaidul Alam Boni, Graduate Student (

Doctoral Student, Civil Engineering

Boni received his B.Sc in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET). He has also completed his M.Engr. in Transportation Engineering from University of Texas at Arlington. His primary research interests are- Areas of transportation human factors and consideration of user behavior in the design, evaluation and innovation of transportation systems, Distraction driving and drivers’ behavior, transportation safety and accident analysis, transportation planning.

Troyee Saha, Graduate Student (

Doctoral Student, Civil Engineering

Troyee received her bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET). She completed her M.Sc. in Transportation Engineering from University of Alabama at Birmingham. Her research interests are transportation planning, travel behavior analysis, traffic operations, sustainable transportation system.

School of Social Work

Kathy Lee, Co-principal Investigators (

Assistant Professor, Social work

I am an applied researcher whose primary research goal is to create healthier, more equitable communities for vulnerable and marginalized older adults and their family caregivers. I am interested in innovative non-pharmacological interventions to help inform healthy behaviors and keep older adults engaged in the community. I am also interested in identifying disparities in health and health care systems by focusing on underrepresented populations in the field of aging.

Mitchell Jaci, Graduate Student (

Department of Social Work

Jaci obtained a bachelor’s degree in psychology and is currently pursuing her master’s in social work with a concentration in mental health and substance use at the University of Texas at Arlington. She has experience as a graduate research assistant during which she has worked with marginalized older adults and caregivers of individuals with dementia. Her research interests also include veterans that have been diagnosed with PTSD.

Meghan Sheridan, Graduate Student (

Masters Student, Department of Social Work

Meghan received her Bachelor of Business Administration from Texas A&M University where she majored in Marketing. She is currently working as a graduate research assistant while pursuing her Masters in Social Work at the University of Texas at Arlington. She has chosen a concentration in Mental Health and Substance Abuse with the ultimate goal of becoming an LCSW and going into private practice.

Department of Psychology

Angela Liegey-Dougall, Co-principal Investigators (

Associate Professor, Psychology

Mental and physical health effects of coping with chronic diseases, such as cancer,diabetes, and other metabolic conditions Determinants of long-term stress responding following traumatic and/or chronic stressor events Health effects of long-term stress Stress resilience Social influences on stress and health Chronic pain Psychoneuroimmunology Exercise psychology Occupational health psychology Advanced models for longitudinal data analysis Learning analytics.

Amber Lynn Morgan, Graduate Student (

Department of Psychology

I am a graduate student in the Psychology Department with a focus on Health Psychology. My research interests include examining individual and social factors that influence health behaviors such as health-care use, treatment adherence, and coping with new diagnoses. 

Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Christoph Csallner, Co-principal Investigators (

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Csallner has broad research interests in software engineering and related areas. Currently he is working on problems in program analysis, automated bug finding, and mobile software engineering. Dr. Csallner’s work has received several best paper awards and distinguished paper awards, including at the IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE) in 2010, at the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) in 2006 and 2012, at the Program Protection and Reverse Engineering Workshop (PPREW) in 2014, and at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) in 2007 and 2015. Dr. Csallner’s research has been funded in part by MathWorks and the National Science Foundation.

Kyle Henry, Sophomore (

Computer Science and Engineering

Kyle Henry is an upcoming sophomore at UTA. He currently majors in Software Engineering. Kyle has been a part of many competitions prior to college, such as High School UIL, FIRST and BEST robotics competitions, and the Technology Student Association’s Software Development Competition. He has placed regionally and statewide in many of these competitions, and has gained lots of experience working with teams on doing so. Kyle has also gained experience by participating in multiple internships, taking a handful of UTA CSE classes in high school, and by volunteering in the technology department at his church.

Sabrina Haque, Graduate Student (

I am Sabrina Haque, currently pursuing my Ph.D. in Computer Science in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). My research interest lies in the field of Software Engineering and related areas. I joined the Caruth Team as a research assistant for Summer 2021. Besides this, I am also exploring my research opportunities in the area of software accessibility. Before joining UTA, I completed my B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh.

Department of Kinesiology

Xiangli Gu, Co-principal Investigators (

Assistant Professor, Kinesiology

Dr. Xiangli Gu’s research focuses on promoting minority health and health disparities research in physical activity and motor behavior across the life span. Her research has taken a programmatic approach to understand the health disparities through the behavioral and neuropsychological levels of assessment, health implications of physical activity, and interventions to promote healthy behavior and motor performance in school and community settings. A recently funded U.S. HHS Minority Research study (project MOVE) targeted multiple-levels changes and influences among young children (3-5-year-old) and parents to increase the likelihood of developing long-term health habits that promote daily physical activity and positive trajectories of child development (i.e., healthy weight, gross motor skills, social-emotional skills and cognitive function) by targeting both Head Start and home settings. This line of research focuses on identifying physical activity (PA) strategies and building supportive environments to prevent childhood obesity and developmental delays for school readiness in underserved minority children (Hispanic/Latino and Black/African American).

Samantha Moss, Graduate Student (

Second year Doctoral Student, Kinesiology

Sam is originally from New York and currently is a Ph.D. candidate in Kinesiology on the Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences track at UTA. She earned her bachelor’s degree concentrating in Kinesiology from State University of New York (SUNY) at Plattsburgh where she also worked as a personal trainer and pitched on their NCAA softball team. She then earned her master’s degree in exercise science from SUNY Cortland where she was a graduate assistant, teaching four sections of undergraduate motor behavior labs. She currently is a Ph.D. candidate the department of Kinesiology and working in the MPAE lab at UTA. Sam’s research focus is related to children’s motor-cognitive performance, healthy behaviors (i.e., physical activity, sedentary behavior); and the social determinants (i.e., build environment, social support) of those child-level outcomes. Overall, she is interested in future implementation of evidence-based interventions to maximize children’s physical activity to prevent childhood obesity and promote healthy outcomes.

Kimberly Vanhoose, Graduate Student (

First year Doctoral Student, Kinesiology

Kim is a native Texan, beginning her Ph.D. program in Kinesiology at UTA in 2020. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Biology from Southwestern Adventist University in Keene, Texas, where she has also taught for over ten years as adjunct faculty in the Kinesiology department. She completed her Master’s degree in Exercise Science at UTA. She has been active for several years in providing community-based physical activity intervention for diabetes prevention and Full Plate Living programs. Her research interests focus on the benefits of physical activity for age- and disease-related motor-cognitive decline, and other types of cognitive dysfunction, as well as rehabilitative and corrective exercise.